Sunday, October 5, 2008

our garden...

we are city dwellers. we live in an apartment, have no backyard, not even a shared outdoor space. when our daughter was 3 y.o. we thought it important that she understood where food came from. we wanted her to plant seeds and watch them grow. we wanted her to see worms, bugs, and squish her little fingers in the soil.

we rented a little plot of earth; a comunnity garden plot. she has loved it from the start. what's not to love -- the sunshine, bugs, dirt, veggies, fruits, and flowers. we have had this plot for 3 full years now. some seasons are more successful than others. sometimes it is a bounty of tomatoes, artichokes by the basket full, and mint (lots of mint) taking over.

our garden plot reflects of us, our family, we sometimes tend to it very diligently and eagerly anticipate each new sprout. and sometimes we neglect it because we are too busy or too tired and our small garden has to tend to itself. we must remember to care for our garden. we should also be mindful to care for ourselves; taking time to put our hands in the dirt.